
Get Tech Help
Students who encounter technical issues should contact UZEM office at as soon as possible. Students with internet connection issues should inform their Faculty and open a ticket with IT Help Desk at
How do I a href="" target="_blank">access Bilgi Learn?
What do I do if I lose access to a course site?
At the beginning of each semester, courses from previous semesters are made unavailable to students.
If you lose access to a Moodle site for a course in which you are currently enrolled, check your SIS page and make sure you are still officially enrolled in the course.
If you are still in the course according to SIS, but have lost Moodle access to it, please contact UZEM Support by email at or by filling in the contact us web form on this web site.
While reporting an issue you should provide your name, Student ID, and course ID (e.g., BUS 101-Spring 2017 Section 03).
Zoom offers 24/7 live support, including national holidays. You will find Support in the upper-right-hand section of your account page or via the blue Help button on the bottom-right-hand side of your screen. We encourage you to bookmark Zoom Support and take advantage of the following support options.
Zoom Help Center - Provides access to a host of helpful videos and instructions; you can also watch video tutorials on most Zoom features
Live Training - Allows you to join live Zoom training sessions
Live Chat or call 888-799-0125
Be sure to have ready your meeting ID and the date and time of the incident when reporting an issue. Submit an Email Request to Zoom Support
For any issues related to your Bilgi email and connected zoom account please contact UZEM by sending an email to course design best practices checklist when designing your course. addressIf you are waiting to connect to support for Zoom or Moodle (BİLGİ Learn), you can try some things that might immediately help you solve a problem.
- Try connecting your laptop or desktop to the internet via ethernet instead of via WiFi.
- Turn off video in the videoconference and use only audio.
- Check your bandwidth and Wi-Fi coverage; a stable internet connection of 10Mb/s for download and 3Mb/s for upload (or greater) is recommended.
- If watching videos or taking part in a web conference is difficult, you may need to notify your instructor.
- Visit the IT Knowledge Bank for self-help solutions to common technology support issues.
After the first student registers to a new semester the courses become available to all students and remain available for the rest of the semester. Twice a year, after the end of Finals and make-up exams in Fall and Spring semesters, course sites are made unavailable.
We recommend students to download any course materials they need to their local computer before the end of the semester. Also keep track of the grades they recieved during the semester.
Unfortunately No. Students can access BİLGİ Learn during the semesters that they are enrolled to classes. When students leave (e.g. Graduate or permanent leave) the university, their student affiliation is made inactive in the university's SIS System, at which point they can no longer access Moodle.
Students should download any course materials and grades they need to their local computer before their leave from the university.