
Tools for Teaching
For remote instruction, İstanbul Bilgi University uses the following tools:
BİLGİ Leran - Moodle
BİLGİ's learning management system, the main platform for remote instruction powered by Moodle and it allows for BİLGİ instructors and students to deliver course materials, submit assignments and tests, view grades, and create learning activities.
Additional features include mobile apps for both iOS and Android.
Tool Guides: Moodle
Zoom is used to conduct synchronous classes. Zoom integrates with Moodle (BİLGİ Learn), the University's learning management system, allowing instructors to conduct audio, video, and content sharing conferencing within their BİLGİ courses.
This cloud-based conferencing service works through your web browser (Chrome) or an app that can be downloaded for most desktop and mobile operating systems. It supports HD videoconferencing, screen sharing, breakout rooms, and real-time video sharing. Live chat is available during meetings, and meetings can be recorded.
Zoom is available to anyone with a valid BİLGİ Network username and password (an account is provisioned automatically upon first login)and its use is intended for University-related activities such as synchronous classes, online office hours, workshops etc.
Tool Guide: Zoom
Turn-it in
Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism detection service run by the American company Turnitin, LLC. İstanbul BİLGİ University Library and E-Resources manages the Turn-it in accounts and the system can be used via Moodle LMS.
İstanbul Bilgi University works with a third-party company Proctorio to offer supervised, online exams for the courses with high number of students (over 2000) through the learning management system.
Media Production
UZEM will help instructors to personalize their online courses via video recordings, scorm packages etc. These audio / visual components in courses offer flexibitity to students with different learning styles.
For Media Production resources please visit our services page.
Extra tools for teaching and general activities
Office 365
Office 365 provides an integrated online and offline document formatting and management software suite. Commonly used software includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneDrive (Cloud Storage), among others.
All members of the BİLGİ University have an Office 365 account, accessible via BİLGİ email ( The newest version of offline Office software can be downloaded after signing in, and simple web based versions of software accessible through the portal online.
If you need a consultation for using Office 365, please email
Microsoft Teams is available to all BİLGİ students, faculty, and staff. Teams is a collaborative software product in Office 365. It allows groups to interact with one another through audio and video conferencing, screen sharing, and chat groups. Full classes and small groups can meet for synchronous activities, and events can be recorded for viewing at a later date. As Microsoft Teams is part of Microsoft Office 365, integration with Word, Excel, OneNote, etc. is built-in, allowing groups to work together at ease.