Course Export Import
Easily export and import all or selected parts of your course to or from the same site or a different one.
Easily export and import all or selected parts of your course to or from the same site or a different one.
Can Moodle admins combine (Merge) my sections for me?
Can I combine sections with different course codes?
How can export grades to Excel from Moodle to import them into SIS?
Where has the “turnitin assignment” gone?
How can I restore from a course backup larger than 2 GB?
How can I access my Moodle page from a previous semester?
It contains the information we need to log into the Learn system.
Customizing the Moodle frontpage appearance
It is possible to change the language of the Moodle user interface for all users
Unique behaviors of the announcements
Adding a Syllabus to your course
Steps to add a file to a course
Moodle Folders only hold collection of files. Please note, They cannot be used to organize Moodle activities such as quizzes, discussion forums, or wikis.